Monday, November 14, 2005

"Bush Lied" Setting the Record Straight

Today, Norman Podhoretz writes a very detailed outline of events that led to America toppling Saddam Hussein's regime. Mr. Podhoretz goes over various quotes and remarks made by politicians on both sides of the aisle and it presents a clearer picture on whether or not "Bush Lied" to the American people.

Though this matter has been raised and argued over and over again, Podhoretz says, I want to take one more shot at exposing it for the lie that it itself really is."

His piece is long and filled with detail on various intelligence agencies providing information on the threat Iraq poses. He goes over the intelligence reports reviewed by the Senate Intellegence Committee. How, when and why the Joseph Wilson IV claim became news and the misinformation it provided.

Right now, President Bush's poll numbers are really low. So low, in fact, that re-election seems unlikely. Oh, wait... he can't run again. My bad. Maybe Democrats should move on from their attacks and come up with a positive, progressive agenda to move America forward from where we are today. Otherwise, they lose again with the Iraq situation.

Blogger Bob Krumm has some thoughts on how Democrats should proceed in 2006. It's quite possible that if strong and well organized Republicans, who seek re-election, or plan to challenge Democrats, may present a clearer message to the American people about moving us forward. If Democrats aren't prepared, all their false hopes over the 2005 elections will be realized.

Arthur Chrenkoff, who has retired from blogging, used to compile "Good News" Reports from Iraq & Afghanistan through September and he gave us lots of information that clearly indicated many successes in these two democracies.

Iraqi bloggers have used to keep online journals of their cities and neighborhoods. Iraq the Model had consistantly been on top of its game with reporting what Americans need to know about this society. Many other blogs are hyperlinked in the sidebar.

There's also a new website called The Other Iraq which deals with Kurdistan and the progress they've made in the last four years. It even includes promotional videos. Clearly, the nay-sayers must stop believing people from the Middle East are barbarians and incapable of Democracy and a free society. Their public display of bigotry does a disservice to humanity.

If Democrats continue to live in the past and argue that Bush Lied, then they themselves are lying to the American public. We need to move forward. We need progressive and positive ideas so sufficient stability returns to the region so American troops can return home. Until we reach this point, we must support every man and woman who is doing the job his or her country has asked of them.


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