Sunday, November 06, 2005

Video Voters' Guide

If you have Windows Media Player and want to get informed of who the candidates are in your district and borough, please check out the Video Voter Guide for more information.

Since we don't always get a chance to hear the Republican candidates, here are the "Right Leaning" candidates in high-speed connection who participated. If you have 56k dial-up and wish to view these candidates or others, please click the Video Voters' Guide hyperlink above.

Borough President - Barry Popik - Republican, Liberal

Councilmanic District Four - Patrick Murphy - Republican, Independence, Liberal

Councilmanic District Five - Joel Zinberg - Republican, Independence, Liberal

Councilmanic District Six - Josh Yablon - Republican

Councilmanic District Seven - Michael Petelka - Republican

Councilmanic District Nine - Will Brown - Republican

Councilmanic District Thirteen - Philip Foglia - Republican, Independence, Conservative

Borough President - Philip Sica - Republican, Conservative

Councilmanic District Ninteen - Peter Boudouvas - Republican, Independence, Conservative

Councilmanic District Twenty - Raquel Lacomba Walker - Conservative

Borough President - Ted Alatsas - Republican, Conservative

Councilmanic District Thirty-Five - Anthony Herbert - Republican, Conservative

Councilmanic District Thirty-Nine - Yvette Bennett - Republican, Conservative

Councilmanic District Fourty-One - A. Brinmore Britton - Republican

Councilmanic District Forty-Three - Pat Russo - Republican, Independence, Conservative

Councilmanic District Forty-Five - Salvatore Grupico - Republican, Independence, Conservative

Councilmanic District Forty-Seven - Russell Gallo - Republican, Independence, Conservative

Councilmanic District Forty-Nine - Jody Hall - Republican

Councilmanic District Fifty-One - Andrew Lanza - Republican, Independence, Conservative


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