Saturday, September 17, 2005

CMJ Festival

This weekend was the annual CMJ Music Festival where indie bands and unsigned bands are showcased in venues throughout the Metropolitan area.

On Saturday, I went to see the Dressy Bessy show at Mercury Lounge.

I showed up at around 7:30, just in time for Apollo Sunshine.
They kind of reminded me of a Pavement meets Ween meets Brian Jonestown Massacre. They were all musically talented and very good at their craft. Check them out.

At 8:30, Dressy Bessy went on and they were their typical poppy self.
I think the best way to describe them is they are the lighter-poppy side of the Breeders. So if you're a Breeders fan and want to go girl power angst, you listen to Sleater-Kinney. If you like the Breeders and want girl power pop, you go Dressy Bessy.
The three men in the band, lead guitar, bass & drums, all wore collared red polos. The three guitar players, lead, rhythm, bass, all played dark sunburst jaguars. The uniformness of their appearance had an added appreciation to their sound.

It was an early night for me. I didn't stay for the next band, which I heard lots of things about. I did buy a few of the Dressy Bessy discs I don't have, because they're hard to find in the local shops.

If you are looking for a more eclectic sound, try Dynasty. If Siouxsie were to join Nine Inch Nails, you'd have Dynasty.


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