Monday, May 23, 2005

Counting Our Elected NYC Republicans

Government works best when neither party has a supreme majority. Right now, Republicans can complain about filibusters with the Democrats, but if we look back at all of this in ten years, we may be fortunate to have a government that does a good job in not working. Does it get frustrating? Of course. But when neither party has surpreme power, a compromise has to be made and that's where the blue and the red have to think a little purple.

So what about New York City? Many people in this great City are liberal and loathe anything Republican and like to blame the GOP for everything. But how much power do Republicans have in this City? There would have to be some kind of fair representation that would lead many people to believe that it's always the "republican's fault."

So, I decided to count our Republicans. You maybe surprised by the findings.

City Government.
We have 51 City Councilors and 3 are Republican. (Dennis Gallagher-Q. James Oddo-SI. Andrew Lanza-SI)

We have 5 Borough Presidents and 1 is a Republican. (James Molinaro-SI)

We have 5 District Attorneys and 1 is a Republican. (Daniel Donavan Jr-SI)

Our Mayor is Republican but our Public Advocate and City Comptroller are Democrat. Out of 64 city seats, only 6 are Republican.

State Government.
We have 65 Assembly Districts (out of 150) that make up New York City and of those, only 2 Assemblymen are Republican. (Matthew Mirones-SI/B. Vincent Ignizio-SI)

We have 26 Senate Districts (out of 62) that make up New York City and of those, only 4 Senators are Republican. (Frank Padavan-Q, Serphin Maltese-Q, Martin Golden-B, John Marchi-SI)

Our Governor is Republican, but our Attorney General and State Comptroller are Democrat. Out of 94 state seats, only 7 are Republican.

Federal Government.
We have 13 US Congressional Districts that represent New York city and of those, only 1 is a Republican. (Vito Fossella-SI)

Lastly, though they represent the State, our US Senators are both Democrat.

So there you have it. All the Republicans that represent our City interests. So the next time something is done that you don't like, remember. It's probably one of those hard to find Republican officials.


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