Saturday, December 17, 2005

King Kong

I saw King Kong last night and I have to say, it is well worth it. I know some of you may have heard reviews that the script isn't the greatest, but what do you really expect? Watch the original 1933 movie. There is no script to this story.

Peter Jackson does a good job putting together a cohesive story set in the 1930s. He takes the movie to a new level, adds some elements not from the original, but the remake, by having Ann Darrows (Naomi Watts) develop a connection with the big ape. He treats us to unbelievable scenes on Skull Island where we see the reason Kong is King of the jungle. He tips his hat to the original movie at the end of the T-Rex fight scene, which was nice.

The original portrayed Kong as a monster and gave us a damsel in distress screaming throughout the entire picture. Jackson's remake shows us a real primate, the last of his kind, acting just as an actual ape should act.

It would not do the movie justice to see it set in 2005 for reasons of political correctness. We can imagine the fear of a giant ape running around New York, but present day society would try to capture and return Kong to his island. In 1933 New York, we can imagine the fear in New Yorkers and stopping the rampage at any means possible. Reminds me of the filmed electricution of Topsy, an elephant in Coney Island at the beginning of the 20th Century.

I was worried that I'd find myself in tears by the end of the movie. I do sometimes get sentimental with silly movies with emotion. But the emotion of Kong made me believe he was at peace. He did not fear his impending death. He accepts it, while spending his final moments with a woman who touches his heart.


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