Sunday, May 01, 2005

May 10 Special Election for 28th AD

A special election is being held on May 10 for the 28th Assembly District in Queens. Anthony Como, a Queens ADA, is vying for the seat as the Republican candiate.

In a city that is said to be 5 to 1 with registered voters Democrat to Republican, the 28th Assembly District, which consists mainly of Middle Village, has a ratio less than 3 to 1. The election is in short notice, which could be a blessing and a curse. Since it's a special election, many registered voters will likely stay home and not go to the polls. If you're a registered Democrat and stay home, this would be good for Mr. Como. If you are registered Republican or Conservative, this would not.

Mr. Como has his work cut out for him, because in order to win, he would need to reach well over 80% of the 14,770 registered Republicans and all the registered Conservatives and get them to vote at their polling station. I recommend supporters to go around and let your friends and neighbors who live in the 28th District to vote. Tell your republican friends to vote for Anthony Como on May 10th and explain the importance of electing a Republican to the State Assembly. Tell your democratic friends that there is an Anthony Cuomo running and to vote for him. If your democratic friend asks if their is a relation to the former governor, just say, "probably."

No. I would never suggest to do anything untruthful. ;)


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