Pataki's Successor?
The time has come for Republicans to stand up and to be proud of being Republicans [applause]. We don't need sometime Republicans, we don't need sunshine Republicans, we need some standin' up and fightin' back Republicans, we need some talkin' back [applause] Republicans, we need some Republicans who believe in themselves and their party and their country [applause]. We need Republicans who agree with Abraham Lincoln that we are the party of freedom, and we need Republicans who agree with Ronald Reagan who believe that we are the future, that we were right, that the policies we pursued were just - Ronald Reagan [applause]. Ronald Reagan is remembered, and he is revered by Americans, not only for the quality of his mind, which we have learned over time to appreciate, but this was a man who had core values and principles, and you knew where he stood, and he didn't equivocate. He was very clear that democracy was the best form of government, that communism would be relegated to the ash heap of history, and that we could get there without a war. He understood it even as many of us did not. And for that, he is a great man. ...
Now we have challenges in New York - and it's a matter of perspective, how you see things. ... I believe that we must harness the cost of government and bring it under control - I've said it before, I'll say it again: The government of New York is too big and spends too much of your money [applause]. And until we change that, until we change that, we cannot create the environment in which the investment will come into New York and create the new industries, and the new jobs, and the new hopes and opportunities of the future. We must change New York, we must and we can. ... We are capable of growing our way out of the economic hole that we are in; we have to make the decisions, do it, and move forward with the policies that will get us there. ...
- New York Secretary of State Randy Daniels, Speech to the Albany County Republican Party, April 19, 2005
Today's New York Sun ran an editorial voicing approval of the strong speech Secretary Daniels made the other day and wondered if this is a preamble to a run for Governor. The list of potential successors to Gov. George Pataki is slim, but the few that are floated appear to have strength. Right now, Mr. Daniel's and William Weld are possible Republicans that can run strong and successful campaigns against Eliot Spitzer. The Sun suggests they both run, along with perhaps John Faso, and give New Yorkers a Primary like the GOP is giving New Jersey voters. It is a smart move and Republicans shouldn't be afraid to hold competitive races for the most important office in the State.
It is likely that Mr. Pataki will not seek reelection and may spend his time between 2007 to 2008 raising money for a Presidential run. History shows that running for three terms maybe a charm, but four and voters will kick you out the door. It would be wise for Republicans to find a fresh face. The Republican Party needs to show it can have internal debate and not be afraid to run two or three people against each other. Republican and Conservative voters want a choice, not a Party Picked Person. It allows for the democratic process to choose the best candidate. We see it every election on the Democrat side.
Randy Daniels would definitely make it interesting as a candidate for Governor. However, I feel his best shot for office is running against Hillary Clinton for US Senator. I think the potential of putting another african-american, this time a Republican, in the US Senate behind Barak Obama, is a powerful argument to defeat Senator Clinton. It had been floated around some circles that after Sec. Colin Powell's retirement from the Bush Administration, he would return to New York and be a potential candidate for US Senator, but the Secretary has stated he does not wish to seek public office in the near future. Instead of Mr. Powell, I feel Mr. Daniels would be the next best thing. In fact, Mr. Daniels would certainly be a better choice over Mr. Powell, since he has been our Secretary of the State of New York under Gov. Pataki for some time.
It's a while until the State elections in 2006, so I will try to get back to my blog's primary purpose and focus on New York City.